
School Timings

Nursery, LKG, UKG, Class 1st, 2nd and 3rd: 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Class 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th: 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM

Parent and Guardians are expected to give prior information and collect gatepass from school office.

School Fees

Tuition fees and annual fees may be paid for the entire year or in two installments -

  • 1st installment fees by 15th June
  • 2nd installment fees by 15th November

Payments are to be made only by crossed, account payee cheques drawn in favour of 'The VITS School'.

Late Payment of Fees

If for any reason the fees cannot be paid by the due date, the School Office will have to be informed otherwise a penalty of Rs 25/- per day will be charged for fees paid after June 15 and November 15. The cheque amount should include the penalty charges accordingly. If the cheque bounces the bank charges will have to be borne by the parents and a fresh cheque issued including the penalty for the days lost. If payment is delayed for 30 days from the due date without informing the school about the reason for the delay, the student's name will be struck off the rolls. Thereafter if re-admission is sought, it will be treated as a fresh admission in all respects.

Fees have to be paid within 45 days of the due date under any circumstances, including the penalty charges for the same.

Withdrawal of Children

Two months written notice should be given before the withdrawal of a student. A Transfer Certificate will be issued only after payment of all dues and a clearance obtained from the Class Teacher. A letter requesting the leaving certificate would have to be given. A minimum of 10 working days would be required for the certificate to be issued.

No fee will be charged for the original leaving certificate. However, a fee of Rs 100/- will be charged for a duplicate copy, for which a written application would have to be made along with an affidavit.

Attendance & Punctuality

We believe that every day the child experiences something invaluable at school. This experience adds to his personality and learning. Thus, regularity and punctuality play a fundamental role in developing a healthy respect for work in children.

Attendance at school is therefore required except in cases of illness or special circumstances which have the prior approval of the class teacher.

A note from parents regarding the reason for the child's absence from the school is mandatory. In case of absence due to prolonged illness, of more than three days, the parents must write and inform the class teacher. Inconsistent attendance is seen as detrimental to a child's progress and extended holidays are discouraged for the same reason.

Uniform - Dress Code

We believe that uniform tends to regularise the children.Every child is unique and must have the liberty to wear whatever they like and feel comfortable in. Moreover, in today’s materialistic world, healthy relationship with money and what it can buy is essential for leading a peaceful life.

Snack / Lunch

It was our conscious decision that parents send Snack / Lunch for their kids and that it would be only vegetarian. No exception would be made except on medical grounds. The following should be borne in mind while sending the meal:

  • Food should be home-made, simple, wholesome, non-spicy and freshly cooked.
  • Lunch may comprise of rice, roti, dal, vegetable, curds, raita or salad.
  • Continental meal should be accompanied with whole-wheat bread.
  • Desserts should be home made.

Birthday Celebration

Students’ birthdays are not celebrated with pomp and glory in school. We believe that a child must feel special every day and not just on his/her birthday.